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Paul Kleins begravning

24 August 2024

UWC Day, 21 september, 15:00
Det plötsliga och chockerande beskedet om Pauls hastiga bortgång gör att en del av den sedan länge planerade UWC Day kommer att tillägnas Paul. Kl  15:00 kommer vi att hedra Pauls minne innan paneldiskussionen börjar 16:00. Här är information om UWC Day  och här kan du se  inbjudan till UWC Day på Facebook.

Dela dina minnen av Paul här: Our Paul memories - UWC community
Om man har minnen, tankar eller bilder av Paul som man vill dela med sig av får man gärna göra det i vårt  formulär (länk). Vi kommer att sammanställa en bok för att ge till Pauls familj. 

Pauls begravning,  26 September, 14:00
Begravningen äger rum den 26:e september 14:00 i Djursholms kapell. Efter så bjuds det också på minnesstund. Begravningen är öppen för allmänheten, anmälan senast 9:onde september till osa@fridbegravning.se.

 Dagensnyheter (240830)

UWC Sverige mailutskick den 24 august, 2024
(Länk till utskick: Otroligt sorglig nyhet om Paul Klein)

Kära vänner av UWC Sverige,

I veckan fick vi den otroligt sorgliga och drabbande nyheten att Paul Klein har gått bort. Pernilla Klein, Pauls syster, har delat ett väldigt fint inlägg på Facebook om hans bortgång.

Det plötsliga och chockerande beskedet om Pauls hastiga bortgång gör att den sedan länge planerade alumniträffen i morgon kommer att tillägnas Paul, se inbjudan på UWC Sverige alumnigrupp på Facebook.

Alla vänner av UWC är välkomna till Stocksunds Scoutgård mellan kl 15 och 18 i morgon söndag, den 24 augusti. Adressen är Stockbyvägen 10, 182 78 Stocksund och kan enkelt nås med kollektivtrafik.

UWC Sverige kommer också att ha en digital träff mellan kl 19 och 20 imorgon för de som inte är i Stockholm men vill komma tillsammans. En officiell minnesstund kommer att meddelas senare.

Paul var en eldsjäl. Med sin humor, noggrannhet och omtanke har han hållit mig uppe under de senaste två åren. Han gav mig trygghet och han var en inspiration med sitt UWC engagemang för ungas utbildning och fred. Sorgen känns enorm. Nedan är hans systers ord som gick ut på facebook igår.

Paul var en eldsjäl. Med sin humor, noggrannhet och omtanke har han hållit mig uppe under de senaste två åren. Han gav mig trygghet och han var en inspiration med sitt UWC engagemang för ungas utbildning och fred. Sorgen känns enorm. Nedan är hans systers ord som gick ut på facebook igår.

"In this darkest hour of my life, I have to share the heart-breaking news that my immensely loved little brother Paul has passed away. During the last few months he has been struggling with sudden, severe and very painful mental unhealth.

He died by suicide. I choose to be open with this as Paul was a very open hearted and honest person.

To me Paul was more than a brother. He was my best friend, my partner in crime, my teacher, my swimming and skiing buddy. No one in this world could make me laugh and giggle like Paul. And I know I made him laugh as well. To me this is the deepest kind of love.

Thoughout my cancer illness and after the loss of my husband Johannes, Paul was so brave and supportive. During chemo when my body was burning with nerve pain and cold swims was the only thing that gave comfort, he would take time off work to take me swimming in Djursholm. We drank soda and munched on kardemummabullar and it was like we were kids again. Reborn after a fight with the evil cancer cells. This is only one of the many examples when he picked me up when I was down.

Paul and my late husband Johannes shared a special bond. I will never forget their endless conversations by the candlelight on the terrace on Singö. In deep talks about emotional, philosophical and political issues that continued long after I had gone to bed until the early hours of the morning.  As my kids grew older, they joined the conversation. And after Johannes’ passing. Edvin and Paul would continue with these humble and intellectually open and searching conversations. Listening and learning from each other.

This summer would be the first long full summer in our newly renovated family house on Öland, a renovation that Paul had planned and coordinated with so much love and precision. Including ordering hand-painted tiles from Jerusalem. But our holiday was interrupted by his sudden illness.

I remember a chat we had on the beautiful beach of Alvedsjö when we were both in our twenties. Inspired by studying with Jörgen Weibull, Paul had discovered the beauty of mathematics. There was a new spark in his eyes. He had found his path. He quoted Georg Klein who said:  My country is no geographical place, my country is science. And yes, a true intellectual and internationalist, economic science was Paul’s home, family and country at the same time.

His research colleagues meant everything to him. I am so happy and grateful for the true connection that he found with his co-writers and PhD-students across the world.

Our loss is inconceivably painful. Yet, Agnes, Edvin and I are determined to get through this, look forward and make our time on this earth meaningful, intellectually courious and joyful, just like Paul would have wanted.

I quote Paul when he saw Agnes’ beautiful and sweet daughter Nina and said: “This is what everything is about, isn’t it”.

A funeral will be held. I will get back with information about time and place. All will be welcome to mourn and to celebrate Paul’s life.

Please do not send flowers. Words of support are appreciated. Contact me by Messenger or e-mail at pernilla.klein@pauesaberg.se.”


Varma hälsningar, 

Lisa Bjerke
UWC Sveriges ordförande

Mobil: +46700265063

E-post: ordforande@se.uwc.org

Paul Klein